Yes4All Deluxe Chin Up Bar (Black XSP Bar – 30 to 37″ New)

Strenghthen your backs, biceps, arms, shoulders and other upper body muscles in the comfort of your own room with Yes4All workout bar.

Combo Chin Up Bar & 7 X-Safe Resistance Band set

Preminum High-quality BAR
We offer the THICKESt heavy-duty steel (1.6 mm thick), LONGEST (42″ long), and HEAVIEST BAR on the market. While other bars only support 250lbs, our heavy duty, well-constructed Chin up bar supports up to 300lbs for your safety.

Multi functional exercise tool & Resistance Band set

Once you have done with chin-ups and pull-ups, you can move Yes4All Workout Bar to the floor, adhere to your door way, and it also works great for doing push ups and chin ups.
Multiple handgrips for you to vary your workout (close grip- and wide grip), targeting to different muscles groups like arms, chest, core or inner and outer back effectively. And the PVC and rubber foam padding handgrips provide a secure, comfortable grip and thus prevent sliding or interruption during your whole workout.
Designed to fit convieniently most doorway frames from 28″-36″. For doorway from 28″ – 31″, you may need a simple 30 seconds cushioning work. 1.0″ to 3.5″ sturdy door-trim is required.  Wall thickness (incl. trim) must be from 5″ – 6″; your walk-way must be able to handle 42″ long bar (see illustrated picture for complete detail)
Packed with this bar is a 95-lb X-Safe Resistance Band set that helps to replace the dumbbells. You can have any combination from 0 – 45 lbs / side per band set XSP for strength-conditioning, coordination & balance, energy maximization.

Buy it now and enjoy the pieace of mind!!! This chin up bar comes with 60 day Satisfaction Guarantee and 1 Year Warranty!