VibePlate 2440 – Whole Body Vibration Machine – Made in USA

The VibePlate provides an extraordinary amount of benefits that positively impact physical health. The medical benefits and advantages of vibration therapy, as testified by medical professionals that use the VibePlate, are tremendous. VibePlate users can see improved results from the exact same workout routine by simply adding the benefits of the VibePlate to their workout regimen. Whether you are looking for strength gains, increased flexibility, weight loss, cellulite reduction, or a better way to recover from your training, the VibePlate is the tool for you. Whole Body Vibration (WBV) exercise using the VibePlate can help even frailer senior citizens improve their range of motion, muscle strength, and coordination. In fact, VibePlate’s Whole Body Vibration exercise machine is great for seniors who have trouble performing aerobic exercises due to age-related conditions. Enhance your EXPLOSIVE power, SPEED, VERTICAL, ACCELERATION. Add gains in pure STRENGTH. Improve your AGILITY, BALANCE, COORDINATION, and FLEXIBILITY. Let VibePlate help you become the elite athlete you have set out to be. get the competitive edge!