AMAZON MaxiClimber SPORT with IEAS (blue)

MaxiClimber Sport with IEAS provides a full-body workout that combines weight resistance, muscle toning, and aerobic exercise all in the comfort of your home. The IntegratedElasticAssistedSystem(IEAS)allows the user to adjust the unit to create assistance for a friendlier workout. With MaxiClimber Sport with IEAS burn TWICE the calories per workout in the same amount of time as using other equipment with the extra benefit that you actívate the 45% afterwork effect burn even after your routine, maximizing all your efforts to get a sexy and lean body in no time. MaxiClimber Sport with IEAS engages all major muscle groups to burn calories and build muscle, utilizing the same movements as rock climbing. The easy-to-setup vertical climber is a total body workout that can help you sculpt lean, sexy legs, rock-hard abs and toned, and strong triceps and biceps. MaxiClimber Sport with IEAS gives a great cardio and strength training workout without putting stress on the lower joints of your body.