** 2 Pack 1/2oz with Black Molded Keychain ** The number 1 selling brand in the USA today and for good reason. The true heat and effectiveness inside a can of Police Magnum OC-17 is not only so effective it is truly and actually used by several law enforcement agencies, the competitive pricing of Police Magnum OC-17 combined have driven this brand to the for front of the self defense spray industry.;You can buy more expensive and also well known brands but dollar for dollar you will not find a better value with the effectiveness of Police Magnum OC-17. Even if you do not buy from me, do yourself and your pocket book a favor and buy Police Magnum OC-17 from someone today to protect yourself or a loved one. Students have gone back to school and the economy has been down for a long time which means crime goes up.;I hear from so many people being RE-active to a life altering event, some of these stories are very intense. Every single one I have spoke to have said a couple things in common. I did not think it would happen to us and the other is I meant to buy some but never got around to it or couldn’t find it. Be PRO-active and protect yourself and your loved ones before something bad happens.;The wonderful thing about defense sprays is that it is affordable for everyone to purchase, it is easy to carry and not cumbersome. It is highly effective and unlike a gun, nobody can get hurt, children included. PLEASE NOTE ON ANY BRAND INJECTION MOLDED MODELS. IF YOU HAVE LONG FINGERNAILS, ARTHRITIS OR DON’T HAVE STRONG FINGER PRESSURE THIS MODEL IS NOT FOR YOU, Please choose a different model. You will call us saying it doesn’t work;This listing is for 2 new .50oz with BLACK Molded Police Magnum OC-17 pepper spray Made in the USA Expiration Date 2020 EFFECTIVE AGAINST Rapist Muggers Car Jackers Animals People that do not understand no means no US STOCK FAST SHIPPING